Metal parrot or Crow T. Robot?
Snapshots of remarkably unremarkable things and other discoveries
Metal parrot or Crow T. Robot?
Purpledisk sunflower (Helianthus atrorubens)
European garden spider aka cross orb-weaver (Araneus diadematus)
Water avens aka purple/nodding/drooping avens, cure all, water flower, Indian chocolate, chocolate root, or throat root (Geum rivale)
Grapes & bokeh balls (Vitis vinifera)
Still life with quinces (Cydonia oblonga)
Not a spider! Daddy longlegs or Weberknecht (Phalangium opilio)
Another vintage lens with a lot of character: Pentacon 50mm/1.8. This lens x hydrangea x lavender => starburst bokeh!!!
A male fallow deer (Dama dama) all dressed up to impress the ladies (does).
Cortaderia selloana aka pampas grass