Color splash
Iris reticulata aka golden netted iris
Snapshots of remarkably unremarkable things and other discoveries
Iris reticulata aka golden netted iris
Lewisia cotyledon aka cliff maid or Siskiyou lewisia
Into the woods! Wood anemones aka. windflowers or thimbleweeds (Anemone nemorosa) & fig buttercups aka. pileworts or lesser celandines (Ficaria verna formerly Ranunculus ficaria).
Raindrops, Gingko biloba & broken stones – Noirvember #2
Cortaderia selloana aka pampas grass
Mophead hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)
Armeria maritima aka sea thrift, sea pink, or cliff rose.
Inside the flower pot little beauties are hiding revealing themselves only to the one who looks closely. ~ GF ~