Into the woods! Wood anemones aka. windflowers or thimbleweeds (Anemone nemorosa) & fig buttercups aka. pileworts or lesser celandines (Ficaria verna formerly Ranunculus ficaria).
Snapshots of remarkably unremarkable things and other discoveries
Into the woods! Wood anemones aka. windflowers or thimbleweeds (Anemone nemorosa) & fig buttercups aka. pileworts or lesser celandines (Ficaria verna formerly Ranunculus ficaria).
Fiets of bloembak?
Waschbär (Procyon lotor). Happy World Photography Day 2019!
Ready for takeoff, the sunset is waiting!
The snowcean is right around the corner ;)!
‘The Hexagons’ by Tara Ebsworth.
Wonderful days of Indian Summer 🙂
Cover shot: Sometimes all it takes is a bit of paint and an interesting look 😉
Maple tree reloaded 😉
Almost summer on the porch. Cheers 😉