Pretty invasive: Celastrus orbiculatus, the Oriental bittersweet. It displaces the similar looking American bittersweet, Celastrus scandens.
Snapshots of remarkably unremarkable things and other discoveries
Pretty invasive: Celastrus orbiculatus, the Oriental bittersweet. It displaces the similar looking American bittersweet, Celastrus scandens.
To make sure they succeed with conquering this old building, the plants agreed on using different strategies: a bottom-up approach for the climbing comrades and a top-down approach for the …
Crow T. Robot disguised as nightshade… Or officially: Solanum dulcamara aka Amara dulcis, bittersweet nightshade, poisonberry, poisonflower, scarlet berry, snakeberry, blue blindweed, violet bloom, fellenwort, felonwood, trailing bittersweet or woody …